Benefit They’re genuine Push-Up liner as well as They’re genuine Mascara, now offered in a lot more shades

using the new benefit They’re genuine Push-Up Liners in beyond Purple, beyond Blue as well as beyond eco-friendly on my upper lash line, as well as two coats of They’re genuine Mascara in beyond Blue on my lashes
Is this the genuine life? Or is this just fantasy? Please tell me that I’m not hallucinating as well as that these vibrant new gel liners as well as mascaras by benefit are not simple makeup figments of my imagination.

Sahte miymiş…? Did I dream up this whole blue/green/purple situation? Please pinch me since I requirement to understand if They’re Real.



OK…you did not have to pinch me that hard.

Benefit has some new liners as well as mascaras, as well as they aren’t figments of my creativity or yours, nor are you currently floating on pink cotton candy clouds.


Kediler ve Makyaj Kazak ??

42 $

Şimdi satın al

These are very, extremely real, as well as they’re offered on counters as well as on the internet ideal now.

From the left: benefit They’re genuine Mascaras in beyond Blue as well as beyond Brown; They’re genuine Push-Up Liners in beyond Brown, beyond Purple, beyond eco-friendly as well as beyond Blue

The line just recently added two new $24 shades of They’re genuine Mascara (Beyond brown as well as beyond Blue) as well as four new $24 shades of They’re genuine Push-Up liner (Beyond Brown, beyond Blue, beyond Purple as well as beyond Green, $24) to their long-term collection.

Böyle. Çok. Renk!

They’re genuine Mascara in beyond brown as well as beyond Blue

Benefit They’re genuine Mascaras in beyond Blue (left) as well as beyond brown (right)
The two new shades of mascara join Benefit’s original They’re Real.

Not gonna lie, I’m all about that blue one…

You don’t understand! trying to discover a true blue mascara — one that you don’t have to do a ton of trickery or layering with to really see the blue color — has been like trying to discover a rainbow unicorn (i.e. hard).

This one is a gorgeous bright blue, as well as it even looks lively with just one or two coats. fantastic curl hold as well as separation, as well (although I might choose a lot more volume). Unless you only wear black mascara, possibilities are you will like this.

That’s two coats of benefit They’re genuine Mascara in beyond Blue on my lashes
As for the new brown shade, eh… I’m just not that into it. I have black lashes, as well as this brown, like a lot of brown mascaras, doesn’t do sh*t for me.

It is truly brown, though, if that’s your thing.

They’re genuine Push-Up Liners in beyond Brown, beyond Blue, beyond Purple as well as beyond Green

Benefit They’re genuine Push-Up Liners from the left in beyond Brown, beyond Blue, beyond Purple as well as beyond Green
These new gel liners are generally the exact same offer as the original They’re genuine push Up liner released last year, however in different shades. exact same click pens as well as rubber nib packaging. You just twist the bottom of the pen, as well as the gel comes out of the versatile plastic nib. then line your lash lines as well as par-tay.

Now, I don’t understand if I’m just all thumbs, however I always have a hard time with this type of packaging. It’s so difficult to draw smooth edges as well as sharp flicks with these pens, so what I normally do is put a bit of the product on the back of my hand, as well as then I’ll utilize either an angled or a directed eyeliner clean to apply it from there to my lash lines.

Also, when I work with this liner, I step quick — like 60 seconds or less, since the formula dries quicker than you can text, “Let’s go to the 5:30 showing of Magic Mike XXL tonight!”

In other words, you don’t have a great deal of time to play, so hustle dat booty when you work with it, since when it sets, it doesn’t move. It’s so hard as well as long enduring that it may also be waterproof. I even have to utilize an oil-based makeup cleaner with it.


As for the new colors, I like the green, since it’s bright as well as smooth, as well as exact same goes for the purple. however the brown as well as blue — which is a lot more of a blackish navy — go on a bit patchy.

Wearing benefit They’re genuine Push-Up Liners in beyond Purple, beyond Blue as well as beyond eco-friendly on my upper lash line, as well as two coats of They’re genuine Mascara in beyond Blue on my lashes

Additional makeup used in this look

Lipstick — Fresh Sugar Petal tinted Lip Treatment
Gloss — MAC Ample Pink Plushglass
Eyeshadow — Chanel Tisse Vendome Quad
Liner on water line — NARS larger Than Life eyeliner in Barrow Street
Bronzer — Guerlain Terracotta 4 seasons Bronzer in 03 Naturel Brunettes
Foundation — Stowaway Radiant skin tone appeal Balm in Medium
Concealer — Stowaway Creaseless Concealer in Medium
Highlighter — hourglass Ambient illumination Powder in Rtuhaf ışık
Kaş – Mac Brun Göz Farı, Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz Esmer
Küpeler – Kristin Perry Neon Cennet Küpe

Dost canlısı topluluğunuz şu anda mavi lashed temyiz bağımlısı,


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